Category: Podcast

  • S2 Ep5. シンギュラリティ


    Hello. This is episode 5 of season 2 of my podcast. Last time we talked about some AI software which can write essays. A lot of Japanese language students recommend it and I’m writing a report on knowledge-based societies at the moment, so today I used this AI. The AI was very smart. I was surprised because it understood the meaning of the words better than I imagined. But when I asked it about cooking recipes, it sometimes gave strange ingredients.


    Today I will talk about The Singularity. The Singularity is a phenomenon in which AI becomes smarter than humans and changes society. According to Dr Ray Kurzweil from the USA, by 2029, AI will be at the same level as humans. And by 2045, various jobs are expected to be replaced by AI. Many people predict that physical labour will disappear, but I disagree. This is because physical work is hard to Taisho with, as many accidents happen every day. ‘Taisho’ means doing the right thing in response to a problem. I think doctors and lawyers will disappear first. Because I think AI can pass the necessary exams.


    The weekend before last, I had yakiniku with my students in Kyoto. We talked about many things and had a lot of fun. The next day, I had a PE class. We played sports from 9 in the morning all the way until 6 at night. I think it has been more than ten years since I last played volleyball or jump rope. I was very tired and decided to have ramen at the station for dinner. It was my first time going to this restaurant and it was delicious.


    Christmas is this weekend. Have a good Christmas. Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!

  • S2 Ep4. 論文を作るAI


    Hello. This is episode 4 of season 2 of my podcast. University classes have started. The classes are online. Online classes became common in Japan after the spread of the coronavirus. The professor was not yet familiar with how to work Zoom and some of the students were in their 70s, so there were a lot of technical problems in the first class.


    Now I am studying about the history of Buddhism. It is about the life of Buddha. It is said that it is difficult to research Buddhism because the exact dates of events and the accuracy of information in the old Indian books about the Buddha are unclear. The teachings of Buddhism, which originated in India, were translated in China and then introduced to Japan. Then many temples were built in Kyoto and Nara. So the Japanese language has a few words that came from India. So European languages and Indian languages are Hasei-shiteiru from the same language. ‘Hasei-suru’ (to derive) means to come from one thing and divide into many different kinds of thing. Studying history, it is easy to see that the cultures of various countries have the same roots.


    And today we talked about AI in my Japanese lesson. My student told me about some AI technology that creates essays. He said that this AI is useful for finding programming bugs, but it can also write articles, emails and essays. The student showed me an actual essay written by the AI technology. There were a few unnatural parts. Moreover, the essay was written in Japanese. I was very surprised. In the future, school assignments may disappear. Recently in Japan, AI to create illustrations of manga and anime has become popular, but copyright and other issues have become a problem.


    Last week I met another Japanese language student in Kyoto. It was interesting to drink coffee and eat matcha ice cream. Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!

  • S2 Ep3. 和牛ステーキ


    Hello. This is episode 3 of season 2 of my podcast. My university lessons start at the end of this month. I didn’t have any lessons today, so I went for a Sitami. ‘Shitami’ (Preview) means actually going to the location beforehand to find out how to get there and what the place looks like.


    The university is located in Kyoto, which is about an hour and a half by train from Osaka. I pass through Osaka and Kyoto stations on my way to the university. Osaka and Kyoto stations are always full of people, and walking through them is always tiring. Since October this year, tourists have been allowed into Japan, so there were many foreigners. There are many European Kei tourists in Kyoto, but recently I feel that there are more and more South-East Asian Kei tourists. ‘-Kei (-descent)’ denotes ethnicity. For example, people whose nationality is Brazilian and whose parents are Japanese are called Nikkei Brazilians. (The “ni” in nikkei is the first character of Japan). The university was about 10 minutes by bus from the station. It was very quiet near the mountains.


    I was tired after a lot of walking today, so I decided to buy dinner at a department store. The underpass of Osaka Station leads to the basement floor of the department store. In front of a butchers section in the department store, I remembered an American student saying that he had had a Wagyu steak for Thanksgiving. So I decided to buy a steak. Do you know what Wagyu means? Wagyu doesn’t mean any cattle raised in Japan. Wagyu is the general term for four special breeds. Japanese beef other than Wagyu is called Kokusangyu (domestic beef). Overseas, only Wagyu beef may be imported and sold, but in Japan you find both Wagyu and Kokusangyu, so make sure you are not making a mistake when buying meat in Japan.


    I bought a Kokusangyu steak. I grilled it medium rare. It was tender and tasty. Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!