Author: Mayuna

  • The basics you need to know about Japanese verb conjugation

    The basics you need to know about Japanese verb conjugation

    Japanese verb conjugation rules & usage: The Japanese verb conjugation is one of the most important parts of Japanese grammar. Here is the verb conjugation chart in the Japanese language. Learn here the conjugation uses and rules.

    What is verb conjugation? For example, in English, we add “-ed” to an infinitive to indicate the past tense.

    The verb conjugation is a rule that verbs change depending on usage. Similarly, in Japanese, tense and modality are expressed by verb suffixes. In order to use grammatically correct Japanese, it is essential to master verb conjugation. This may sound like a high hurdle to overcome, but in principle, all you have to do is to classify verbs into three categories and apply the conjugation rules for each. In this article, I would like to explain the basic classification of verbs and the meaning of each conjugated form. Please bookmark this article and use it for your study.

    3 types of Japanese verbs – U-verbs / Ru-verbs / Irregular verbs

    All Japanese infinitives end with a sound containing the vowel /u/ (う,く,す,つ,ぬ,む,る,ぐ,ぶ) and are classified into two groups according to pronunciation: U-verb or Ru-verb. There is another group called Irregular verb, but since there are only two verbs included in Irregular verbする (to do) and くる (to come), I will not explain them. 

    For example, the verb 歩(ある)く (walk) ends with  and is classified as a U-verb

    How about the verb 食(た)べる (eat)? It ends in る and can be classified as either a U-verb or a Ru-verb. In that case, Let’s take a look at the letter just before the る. The letter  is romanized as “be”, which contains the /e/ sound. If the letter immediately before  contains the vowel /i/ or /e/, it is a Ru-verb, so 食(た)べる (eat) is a Ru-verb.

    *Note, however, that the following verbs do not follow the above trend, and are all classified as U-verbs, even if they end in /I/, /e/ + る.

    12 forms of Japanese verb conjugation

    Japanese verbs have 12 types of conjugations. The chart below shows the names of the conjugations and their main uses.

    Japanese infinitives are called dictionary forms. This name comes from the fact that the infinitive is in the form in which it appears in the dictionary. The word 歩(ある)く (walk) is a dictionary form, which does not indicate tense. In order to use it as a past tense, you need to change it to Ta-form. In the next section, I will show you how to conjugate verbs.

    Apply the conjugation rules to each group of verbs

    The following chart shows the rules for conjugating each group of verbs in 12 different forms. Te-form and Ta-form of U-verbs are listed separately in the second chart because they have many entries.

    * Te-form and Ta-form of U-verbs

    Verbs have a common part called root that does not change in any conjugation form. In the chart above, it is represented by “〜“.

    The root of Ru-verbs is the part of the infinitive before る. For example, in the case of 食(た)べる (eat)食(た)べ is the root and  is the conjugation ending. If you want to use the negative form of 食(た)べる, the conjugation ending る changes to ない and you get 食(た)べない (don’t eat).

    The root of U-verbs is the part up to the consonant of the final sound. For example, the word 歩(ある)く (walk) in romaji is “aruku”. The root is “aruk” and the final “u” is the conjugation ending. If you want to use the potential form of 歩(ある)く, the “u” is changed to “eる” and the word becomes 歩(ある)ける (can walk).

    However, in Te-form and Ta-formthe last letter is the conjugation ending. For example, the last letter of the verb 歩(ある)く is , which changes to いて or いたTe-form for 歩(ある)く is 歩(ある)いて (walk, and then) and Ta-form for 歩(ある)いた (walked).

    There are no rules for conjugating Irregular verbs, so you have to learn them by heart. Compound verbs ending in する and くる such as 勉強(べんきょう)する (study) and 連(つ)れてくる (bring sb) all have the same conjugation form. For example, the Ta-form of 勉強(べんきょう)する is 勉強(べんきょう)した (studied).

    Verb conjugation in Japanese is one of the most common areas where learners stumble. This is because not all languages have similar rules. For example, Chinese does not have verb conjugation. However, Japanese verb conjugation is simple, and there are not many exceptions to the rule when it comes to regular words. You should be able to identify all the conjugations after reading two or three beginner to intermediate-level textbooks.

  • 5. ダッフィーとは?


    Hi everyone, today’s podcast is episode number 9. It’s raining today and Osaka is really cold. I’m not really a fan of the cold season. The cold makes me tired and getting around is a real pain, it’s quite troublesome.


    In one of my lessons today, we were talking about DisneyLand. Recently, it seems Disney has introduced a very popular character. Maybe hearing this (a recent popular character) you probably know of the teddy bear like character named Duffy. It’s a character I haven’t really seen much of.


    It seems that Duffy merchandise is more popular than Mickey. Apparently in 2005, Duffy was jointly developed by Disney and Oriental Land of Japan. The original Disney Bear was a teddy bear held by Mickey Mouse. But this Disney Bear’s story and setting went through a renewal and to birth this character. Even now, new friends of Duffy are being created one after the other. Apparently, there’s now 7 characters including Duffy.


    Certainly, when I was a student the characters with slightly less Disneyness and different atmosphere like Stitch and Pooh Bear were more popular than Mickey and Minnie. After all, the characters with unique and new qualities have an easier time gaining popularity. When I was a little girl I liked the characters that were a little mysterious like Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio and the Pink Elephants from Dumbo.


    Everyone, please tell me what your favorite Disney character is and why. Ok, I think that’s all for today, see you next week and thanks for listening!

    Transcript and English translation by: Rob

  • 4. 12月の祝日


    Hello, today’s podcast is episode number 8. Recently, the news about the Corona Virus mutations is a hot topic. A lot of my friends living in foreign countries and even some of my students were planning on traveling to Japan next year, but right now Japan has border restrictions in place and according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website it seems that only foreigners who are already living in Japan are allowed to enter. Therefore, there’s a likelihood of things like Sightseeing tours being cancelled. I didn’t get to go to Boston this year, so I’d like to go abroad again next year, but I haven’t made any plans yet.


    So it’s finally December right? The end of the year is getting closer again, and December means Christmas right? I’ve been explaining Japan’s Christmas in a lot of my classes and just like I talked about in the last podcast, Christmas isn’t a holiday in Japan. Also, in Japan, more people make plans on Christmas Eve, the 24th, than on Christmas Day. This is another aspect of Japan that differs from other countries.


    Japan’s concept of holidays is a little peculiar, of course, there are traditional Japanese holidays, but we also have foreign holiday activities like Halloween and Christmas, which on the commerce aspect side of things is strong (has a lot of influence on celebrating these types of holidays in Japan). So there seems to be a change in trends every year. When I was a kid there was nothing (celebrating foreign holidays) but recently stores have been doing Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and surprisingly Thanksgiving (sales). In Japan we celebrate Labor Thanksgiving Day which is the same concept as Thanksgiving but there’s nothing special about that day, so I assume those events at the stores are the American version of Thanksgiving.


    So what do you all do in your countries? Besides traditional holidays in your country, have there been any recent foreign holidays your country started celebrating? If there are please let me know! I’m very interested. Well I think that’s all for today! See you all next week, thanks for listening!

    Transcript and English translation by: Rob