Author: Mayuna

  • 1. ごあいさつ

    はい、こんにちは。今回はポッドキャストの5回目です。5回目なんですけれども、実はこのポッドキャストをPatreon 以外の場所にアップロードするのは、今回は始めてなので、まずは自己紹介をしたいと思います。私の名前はまゆなです。私は2018年からオンラインで日本語を教えています。私は東京都出身ですが、2017年から大阪に住んでいます。大阪に来る前は、イギリスとか、オーストラリアとか、英語圏の国に6年ぐらい住んでいたので、英語も話せます。

    Hello, this is podcast episode 5. While this is the 5th episode, this is the first time I’m uploading my podcast to places other than Patreon, so I first want to introduce myself. My name is Mayuna. I’ve been teaching Japanese online since 2018. I’m originally from Tokyo but I’ve been living in Osaka since 2017. Before coming to Osaka, I lived in places such as England, Australia, and other English speaking countries for around 6 years, so I’m also able to speak English.


    This podcast was originally one of the contents on Patreon. So the previous episodes can be found there. Additionally, my Patreon members have access to transcripts in both Japanese and English and vocabulary lists for each episode. (My friend Rob is helping me with the English translations, thanks Rob). So if you’re interested in having access to those resources please check my Patreon


    So, the title of this Podcast is Japanese Lesson, but I plan on just discussing my normal, everyday things using natural everyday phrases used by Japanese people. This should be appropriate for students around intermediate levels of Japanese.


    Anyway (quickly changing the subject), like I was talking about in the previous episode, I went to the dentist today. I got to the dentist and they used an electric scalpel to remove the part of my gum that was swollen. It was a little scary, but it was over a lot faster than I had thought it was going to take. It was over in about 5 minutes. It was also cheaper than I thought it was going to be, I paid about 2,000 yen. After that, I got home, worked out, got some things ready for the next day, thought about what I wanted to talk about for the podcast, and now I’m recording.


    Alright well, tomorrow I have lessons and I have to go to the dentist again to have my gums cleaned. Gonna be pretty busy. We’re getting closer to the end of the year and it sounds like everyone is getting busier, I’ll also be busy as usual so let’s do our best together! I think I’ll end it here, see you next week, thanks for listening!

    Transcript and English translation by: Rob