Author: Mayuna

  • S3E6. 近所きんじょのカフェ

    はい、こんにちは 今回こんかいはポッドキャストのシーズン3の6回目かいめです。大阪おおさか最近暑さいきんあついです。なつ気分きぶんあかるくなるのでいいですね。先月せんげつ二人ふたり生徒せいとさんが旅行りょこう大阪おおさかたので、一緒いっしょ夕食ゆうしょくべにきました。とてもたのしかったです。

    Hello. This is episode 6 of season 3 of my podcast. It’s getting quite warm in Osaka. Summer is good because it brightens up my mood. Last month two different students of mine came to Osaka on holiday, so I went out to dinner with each of them. We had a lot of fun.


    I often go to cafes these days. I didn’t use to go to cafes very often because I thought it was a waste of time and money. However, when I am working at home all the time, it is sometimes difficult to take a break. On days when I have to work, even if I want to take a break, I can’t go that far. A café is just right for such a situation, because even just 30 minutes in a café makes me feel like I have gone far away from home.


    There are many cafes near my house. Most of these cafes do jikabaisen. Jika (home/own-) means that they do it by themselves without using other services. Baisen (roasting) means roasting coffee beans. Therefore, the taste of the coffee differs from cafe to cafe. It is said that Osaka is the Japanese prefecture with the most cafes. It has even more than Tokyo. Coffee was popular in Osaka before World War II, and there have been many cafes there for a long time.


    Making good coffee at home is a real pain, so cafes are convenient. Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!

  • S3E5. あたらしい計画けいかく


    Hello. This is episode 5 of season 3 of my podcast. After I talked about my health problems in the last episode, some of my students were concerned. I haven’t been tested (for a stomach ulcer), but my symptoms are gone now. It was probably just food poisoning. I am fine. Thanks again for listening to the podcast.


    It’s almost spring and I have more new students. Spring is the season when you want to start something new. I’m currently planning a lot of things myself. For example, in episode 3 I talked about buying wireless earphones. So last week, I installed a wireless LAN card in my computer so that I can use the earphones with my desktop computer. The Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on the wireless LAN card were better than I expected, so I plan to make the keyboard and mouse wireless as well. That way there will be fewer cables and a cleaner desk area.


    I have another plan. I often read in bed, but I don’t have a side table, so there is nowhere to put my drink. I exercise at home and I don’t want a side table in my room. I looked for a cup holder on the internet, but I couldn’t find one in the right size. So I’m thinking of using a 3D printer to make a cup holder that I can attach to the headboard of my bed. If you create your own 3D model, there are companies that will 3D print it for you if you send them the data.


    Mentally, I’m ready for spring now, but the weather is not quite spring. It snowed this week. I hope it will warm up soon. Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!

  • S3E4. 食中毒しょくちゅうどくでした


    Hello. This is episode 4 of season 3 of my podcast. It is already March, but the weather is still cold. Speaking of which, I have written a new article for the first time in a while. The article is about conjugating adjectives. It is on my website. Please take a look at it if you want to review adjectives.


    I have had a stomach ache lately. The pain lasted for days and I could not figure out the cause. I thought I might have an ikaiyou because I had been working every day recently. An ikaiyou (a stomach ulcer) is a stomach problem. I went to a local hospital right after I finished my lessons this week. It is hard to walk when your stomach hurts. It takes about 10 minutes to walk from my house to the neighborhood hospital, but it felt like 30 minutes. I don’t have a car, so at times like this I envy those who do.


    I went to the hospital and was told that it might be food poisoning. Recently I bought a fish that I don’t usually buy. I cooked it by myself and ate it, so that might be the cause. I asked “I want to be tested for an ikaiyou”, but they refused, saying “Your stomach is very swollen and we cannot perform an examination using a gastroscope today”. That day, I was given an IV drip, some medicine, and left. So I still don’t know the cause. If it is food poisoning, it should go away in a couple of days. While I was taking the medicine, the pain got better.


    I was told not to eat meat or fried foods until I am completely healed, which is hard. I hope it heals quickly. Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!