Hello. This is the podcast episode 14. I made curry the night before last, for the first time in a long time. As I told you last time, when I eat curry, I usually get takeout from an Indian restaurant in my neighborhood. Lately, due to the coronavirus, this restaurant is only open until four in the afternoon, so I can’t buy dinner. So the day before yesterday I decided to make it myself.
The ingredients are carrots, onions, potatoes, beef, and curry roux, which is a hardened mixture of spices and soup stock. Stir-fry the vegetables, boil, add water, and add the curry roux, and the curry is ready. It has been a very long time since I made curry by myself. I’m sure I made it right, but this curry was really bad.
When I was a child, I used to think that curry made with curry roux was very tasty. But recently, I have been eating only restaurant curry. Compared to restaurant curry, curry made with curry roux has a thinner taste and is not as tasty. Then I did some research and found out that curry made from spices is not that expensive and easy to make. So I’d like to try it next time.
先週はほとんど記事の仕事をしていました。前回の Podcast でもお話しした通り、日本のポッドキャストについての内容です。おすすめのポッドキャストや、 自分に合った Podcast の選び方や、ポッドキャストを使った勉強方法についてお話ししています。是非読んでみてください。
I spent most of last week working on an article. As I mentioned in my last podcast, it’s about Japanese podcasts. I talk about recommended podcasts, how to choose the right podcast for you, and how to study using podcasts. Please check it.
Recently, I have been going out for a walk once a day. It’s just a walk around my house for about 30 minutes to an hour, but I think it’s important for my health to go outside and breathe the fresh air. I would like to continue this practice in the future.
はい、じゃあ今日はこんな感じで終わりたいと思います。また来週お会いしましょう。どうもありがとうございました 。
Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!