Hello. This is episode 25 of my podcast. Today I had my third vaccine – unlike the second one, I didn’t need an appointment and the location was in my neighbourhood, so it was easy. In the afternoon I forgot that I had had the vaccine and did some muscle training. I’m a bit worried because after the vaccine, I’m not allowed to do any strenuous exercise. I hope I won’t get sick.
In today’s morning lesson, a question was asked. It is about katakana words. Generally, in Japanese, foreign words are written in Katakana. However, some things can be expressed using 2 different words: an imported foreign word which is written in katakana, and a native Japanese word which is written in Hiragana or Kanji. For example, ‘Tisshupe-pa- (tissue paper)’ is a foreign word. You can also use the native Japanese word: ‘Chirigami (tissue paper)’. When do we use which one? This was the question. Today I would like to talk about this.
Katakana is often used in product marketing and advertising. For example, Japanese fashion websites use words such as ‘Nitto (knit)’, ‘Kyappu (cap)’ and ‘Mafura- (A scarf. From the old-fashioned English word “muffler”)’. These could be called ‘Amimono (knit)’, ‘Boushi (cap)’ or ‘Erimaki (scarf)’ in Japanese, but the use of Katakana gives them a modern image. In particular, ‘Erimaki (scarf)’ has an old-fashioned image and I have never heard it used except by elderly people.
There are also cases where Katakana and Japanese have different nuances. For example, the English word ‘hobby’ translates to ‘Shumi (hobby)’ in Japanese, but there is also a Katakana word in Japanese called ‘Hobi- (hobby)’. ‘Shimi no Guzzu (hobby goods)’ means ‘goods that someone has for their hobby’, while ‘Hobi- Guzzu (hobby goods)’ means ‘goods made for amateurs and collectors’.
Some words are expressed in Katakana even though they are Japanese origin. For example, names of vegetables. ‘Jyagaimo (potato)’, ‘Ninjin (carrot)’, ‘Shiitake (shiitake mushroom)’, etc. This is because all plant names were recorded in Katakana in the Meiji era (1868-1912). Today, for plant names, you can use Katakana, Hiragana, or Kanji. For example, ‘Ninjin (ニンジン) (carrot)’ means the same thing as ‘Ninjin (にんじん) (carrot)’ or ‘Ninjin (人参) (carrot)’. There are no rules about when to use which one.
Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!