はい、こんにちは。今回はポッドキャストのシーズン3の3回目です。やっと新しいパソコンが届きました。上海の工場からだったので、注文してから届くまで2週間かかりました。 新しいパソコンは動作がとても早くて便利です。一度にたくさんのアプリケーションを開くことができます。レッスンがやりやすくなりました。
Hello. This is episode 3 of season 3 of my podcast. I finally got a new computer. It was from a factory in Shanghai, so it took two weeks from the time I ordered it until it arrived. The new computer is very fast and convenient. I can open many applications at once. It makes it easier for me to do my lessons.
I bought wireless earbuds before my new computer arrived. I used a gift card I got when I bought my new computer, so all I paid was 800 yen. I had been using yuusen earphones. Yuusen means “with a cord”. I used to think that earphones with a cord were more convenient. Because I don’t need to charge or connect them. But when I started using wireless earphones, I realized that the cords were in the way. Especially when I exercise, I can concentrate better with wireless earphones.
The new earphones are canal-type. Canal-type earphones are earphones with earpads (soft objects around the speakers). I used to use the canal-type when I was in junior high school, but recently I had been using the inner-ear type. Inner-ear type earphones are earphones without earpads. It is an earphone that puts the plastic part directly into the ear. I thought it was dangerous to use canal-type earphones outside because it is difficult to hear sounds around you. But when I actually use them, they are not much different from inner-ear type earphones. And the sound quality is very good.
Everyday devices that have been around for a long time are constantly evolving. When you replace them after a long time, you are amazed at the very high quality. Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!