Category: Season 1

  • 32. 暑中見舞い


    Hello. This is my podcast episode 32. There’s been a lot of news this week. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned, and a Yu-Gi-Oh cartoonist was killed in an accident. This morning, I was very surprised to hear the news that former Prime Minister Abe was killed by a sniper. This incident is very unusual in Japan, as there are less than 10 incidents a year in which guns are used. Japan is considered to be a peaceful country, but in reality, poverty among young people is becoming more serious. Crime may increase.


    Today I would like to introduce some Japanese summer customs. In your country, is there a custom of meeting family and relatives in the summer? In Japan, many people meet their families on a holiday in August called ‘Obon’. Cards and gifts are sometimes sent. This is called ‘Shochu Mimai’ and is sent from early July to early August. ‘Shochu’ means ‘hot season’ and ‘Mimai (politer: Omimai)’ means visiting someone to see how they are doing. The phrase “Shochu Omimai Moushiagemasu (I wish you all the best in the hot weather)” is used on the card. The phrase ’Moushiageru’ is the humble form of ‘Iu (to say)’. Humble expression is one of the honorifics and is used for one’s own actions. There are no specific rules for gifts. In some cases, gifts may not be given.


    The custom of Shochu Mimai is said to have originated in the Edo period (1603-1867). It is said to have originated when people visited their families during the Obon period and brought offerings to their deceased ancestors. It also has the purpose of checking to see if people are doing well, as many people lose their appetites or suffer heat stroke during the hot summer months. Besides family and relatives, we also send Shochu Mimai to colleagues and friends. These traditional customs are gradually disappearing. Due to the coronavirus, there are fewer opportunities for people to get together.


    Well, I think that’s it for today. And I know this is sudden, but I’m going to take a break from updating this podcast and articles for a while. I will continue the italki lessons, so please keep in touch with me. So, everyone, I hope you are all doing well in these hot days ahead. I wish you all the best in the hot weather. Thank you very much.

  • 31. ウェビナーとゲーム


    Hello. This my podcast episode 31. These days I have the air-conditioner on almost all day long. I’ve lost my appetite and I’m eating Somen noodles and cucumbers. I’ve been busy this month with a lot of different things. Recently I have been trying to learn more about work and languages, and there are many books I want to read, but I can’t find the time to read them. I want to read a book by Benjamin Franklin because I recently heard a student talk about ‘opportunity cost’ in a lesson and it was interesting.


    The webinar finished last week. There were very few comments and questions during the live session, but in fact, a few minutes after the live session was over, many comments and questions were sent in all at once. In Japan, there is usually a period of silence, with no questions at all, until the first person asks a question. In English-speaking countries, however, it is normal for questions to keep popping up.


    The person from italki who was operating the webinar behind the scenes on the day was used to the English webinar atmosphere. When there was silence, he took care of me and ended the question session early, thinking that there were no questions. There are differences in cultural understanding even in these areas. It is my inexperience that I did not notice this difference. If I have the opportunity to host another webinar, I would like to improve on this.


    As I mentioned in the opening, recently I have been wanting to read books for my studies. One person I admire is David Jones. He is Scottish and one of the game developers who designed the game ‘Lemmings’ in 1991. He’s also well known as the producer of ‘Grand Theft Auto’.


    I liked the concept of ‘Lemmings’. There are no heroes or villains in this game. All characters are equal. The characters are on a journey. The objective in this game is to survive a certain number of characters. There are many stages that can only be completed if some of the characters are sacrificed. Sacrifices are randomly selected and there is no drama or propaganda.


    Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!

  • 30. ポッドキャストを振り返る


    Hello. This is my podcast episode 30. I didn’t have time to upload it last week. I was a bit busy. Finally, it’s the 30th episode. The details of the webinar I told you about last time, which I will be hosting, have been finalised. It will be on 20 June from 10am to 10:45am Japan time. It is aimed at Japanese teachers, so all slides and conversations will be in Japanese. If you are interested, you are welcome to attend. It will be available on Youtube after the delivery, so you can watch it on another day other than on-air day.


    I have decided to close my Patreon account this month. I really wanted to continue, but my personal and professional life has become so busy that I don’t have enough time to update it. I have learned from my students about a Chrome extension that displays furigana, so I hope to be able to see furigana on the website in the future. Thank you very much to everyone who has supported me until now.


    As this is the 30th edition, I would like to reflect on my memories of creating this podcast. This podcast started as a student’s idea. At that time I didn’t yet have a condenser microphone and an audio interface, so I was recording with a headset microphone. The sound quality was very bad. Episodes 1-4, which have poor sound quality, can still be heard on Patreon.


    I started distributing on Anchor in Episode 5. It was the middle of November last year. I bought some recording equipment, so the sound quality got better. But I had trouble coming up with content to talk about. It is hard to keep updating every week. I live the same kind of life every day, so I didn’t have much to talk about just in my daily life. So I tried to incorporate topics and questions that I discussed with my students in lessons. I’m always helped by my students.


    At the beginning of this year, the website was completed and from February onwards I started distributing my podcast on itaki, too. By then, I was used to recording and editing and thinking about the stories. I can now make podcasts in much less time than I used to. The number of views grew and I started enjoying it, and I also started distributing it on Youtube; it was my student’s idea to put a Timestamp on each paragraph to make it easier to view on Youtube.


    Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!