Category: Season 1

  • 14. カレーを作る


    Hello. This is the podcast episode 14. I made curry the night before last, for the first time in a long time. As I told you last time, when I eat curry, I usually get takeout from an Indian restaurant in my neighborhood. Lately, due to the coronavirus, this restaurant is only open until four in the afternoon, so I can’t buy dinner. So the day before yesterday I decided to make it myself.


    The ingredients are carrots, onions, potatoes, beef, and curry roux, which is a hardened mixture of spices and soup stock. Stir-fry the vegetables, boil, add water, and add the curry roux, and the curry is ready. It has been a very long time since I made curry by myself. I’m sure I made it right, but this curry was really bad.


    When I was a child, I used to think that curry made with curry roux was very tasty. But recently, I have been eating only restaurant curry. Compared to restaurant curry, curry made with curry roux has a thinner taste and is not as tasty. Then I did some research and found out that curry made from spices is not that expensive and easy to make. So I’d like to try it next time.

    先週はほとんど記事の仕事をしていました。前回の Podcast でもお話しした通り、日本のポッドキャストについての内容です。おすすめのポッドキャストや、 自分に合った Podcast の選び方や、ポッドキャストを使った勉強方法についてお話ししています。是非読んでみてください。

    I spent most of last week working on an article. As I mentioned in my last podcast, it’s about Japanese podcasts. I talk about recommended podcasts, how to choose the right podcast for you, and how to study using podcasts. Please check it.


    Recently, I have been going out for a walk once a day. It’s just a walk around my house for about 30 minutes to an hour, but I think it’s important for my health to go outside and breathe the fresh air. I would like to continue this practice in the future.

    はい、じゃあ今日はこんな感じで終わりたいと思います。また来週お会いしましょう。どうもありがとうございました 。

    Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!

  • 13. 日本のポッドキャストについて


    Hi, This is the podcast ep13. I bought a new frying pan yesterday. The coating on the surface of the frying pan was peeling off and food was getting burnt and it was getting difficult to use. I thought frying pans were supposed to last about 10 years. When I was a student, I lived abroad, mostly in furnished houses, so I didn’t have much experience of buying new frying pans myself. So I didn’t know that. If you have a frying pan that you have been using for more than two years, why not replace it?


    And now I’m continuing with the italki article, this time on the subject of podcasts. I’m writing about recommended Japanese podcasts and how to study using podcasts, but it’s a bit difficult to find recommendations. Podcasts are not that common in Japan yet, but of course there are a lot of individuals who do it, but only a few big companies or celebrities who do it.

    日本の ポッドキャストの専用アプリみたいなものもありますが、やっぱりアップルとかグーグルとか Spotify の方が一般的にはよく使われているみたいで、なかなか日本特有のポッドキャストの情報を探すのが大変です。音声が聞けるサービスだと、クラブハウスとかが人気みたいですね。それでもコロナ以降は、少しずつポッドキャストも人気が出てきているみたいで、番組も増え始めています。

    There are Japanese apps for podcasts, but Apple, Google, and Spotify seem to be more commonly used, so it’s hard to find information about Japanese podcasts. As for audio services, Clubhouse seems to be popular. Nevertheless, after Corona, podcasts are slowly becoming more popular, and the number of shows is starting to increase.


    It’s February already, so yesterday I got a bill from my web server company for the month of January for a website I set up in January this year. I wanted to pay it immediately, but I didn’t know which way it would be deducted, because I had registered two ways of payment: top-up credit to my account, or automatic debit from my credit card. So I emailed them and they replied straight away and the payment went through. I’m glad. This company must be located in the US, but I am surprised that they reply to me immediately no matter what time I contact them. I wonder if their support is outsourced?


    Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!

  • 12. 良薬口に苦し

    はい、こんにちは。今回は Podcast の12回目です。12回目なんですけれども、今回初めてitalkiで配信することになったので、まずは簡単に説明をしたいと思います。

    Hello, This is the podcast episode 12, and since this is the first time I’m going to be broadcasting on italki, I’d like to give a brief explanation first.


    My name is Mayuna and I’ve been teaching Japanese at italki since 2018. I also contribute articles to the community. I started the podcast last November. I talk about my daily life in about 3 minutes, using natural expressions commonly used by Japanese people. The content is for intermediate level users. All episodes have a transcript and English translation, and you can listen to them on Google Podcast. It is updated weekly.

    今日はレッスンが午後からだったので、午前中はスーパーに買い物に行きました。この Podcast を録音するのが火曜日なので、その録音のために、私はいつものど飴を買います。のど飴というのは、世界中に同じようなものがあるかどうか分からないですけど、ハーブなどが入っている飴で、声がよく出るようにするものです。

    Today’s lesson was in the afternoon, so I went to the supermarket in the morning to do some shopping. Since I record this podcast on Tuesdays, I always buy throat lozenges for the recording. I don’t know if there are similar products all over the world, but lozenges are candies that contain herbs and other ingredients to help you speak better.


    I recently got tired of the taste of the lozenges I always buy, so I bought a different one today. The throat lozenges I bought today contained honey and ginger, no additives, and were very tasty, but they were so tasty that I ended up eating them as a regular snack, so I regretted a little that they were not a good choice for the original purpose. And then I somehow remembered a proverb.


    There is a Japanese proverb that says, “Good medicine is bitter in the mouth,” which means that medicine that works well tastes bad. Good medicine may not taste good because it does not contain anything unnecessary. And this proverb means, “Advice you don’t want to hear is often useful”. Advice you don’t want to hear is advice that points out your mistakes and shortcomings. We shouldn’t forget that even as an adult, it is important to reflect.

    じゃあ、今日はこんな感じで終わりたいと思います。また来週お会いしましょう。どうもありがとうございました 。

    Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!