Hello. This is episode 1 of Season 3 of my podcast. Since we’re in the New Year, I‘ve decided to start a new season. January is colder than December. On New Year’s morning, I usually take a walk and visit a shrine. This year however, I overslept, so I went in the afternoon. The shrine near my house is famous, so it was very crowded. The queue was too long, so I went to a shrine in Kobe on a different day.
最近パソコンの調子が悪いです。今使っているパソコンは2017年に発売したMacBook Airです。このパソコンを使い始めて今年で7年になります。一般的に、MacBookは10年ぐらい使えると言われています。パソコンの動作に問題はありませんが、バッテリーの調子が悪いようです。パソコンから充電ケーブルを外すと、バッテリーの残量がすぐに0%になってしまいます。残量とは、残っている量のことです。電池やエネルギーに使います。さらに、2017年のMacBookのサポートは今年で終了するという噂があります。
Lately, my computer has been acting up. The MacBook Air I’m currently using was released in 2017, so I’ve been using it for seven years now. Generally, MacBooks are said to be usable for around 10 years. While there are no issues with the computer’s performance, it seems that the battery is not in good condition. When I unplug the charging cable from the computer, the battery’s Zanryou quickly drops to 0%. Zanryou refers to the amount of something that remains and is used for power and energy. In addition to the problem with the battery, there are rumors that support for the 2017 MacBook will end this year.
そこで、今年はパソコンを買い換えようと考えています。先週近所のアップルストアに行きました。午後7時を過ぎてから行きましたが、店内はまだとても混んでいました。MacBook Airのコーナーには2種類のモデルがあったので、店員に違いについて質問しました。最近の家電はたくさんモデルがあって、選ぶのに時間がかかってしまいますね。去年の年末に大学の学費を払い、シカゴに旅行に行ったばかりなので、いまは余計なお金を払いたくありませんが、長く使うことを考えると一番新しいモデルを買った方がいい気がします。どれを買おうかまだ迷っています。
Therefore, I am thinking about buying my computer this year. I went to the Apple Store in my neighborhood last week. I went after 7 PM, but the store was still very crowded. In the MacBook Air section, there were two different models, so I asked the staff about the differences between them. These days there are so many options in consumer electronics that it can take a long time to make up your mind. Right at the end of last year, I paid my university tuition and also took a trip to Chicago, so at the moment I don’t want to spend extra money. However, considering that I plan to use the MacBook for a long time, I feel like it might be better to buy the newest model. I’m still undecided on which one to buy.
It’s still cold. Please be careful not to catch a cold. Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!