Category: Season 1

  • 17. 通学路と筋トレ


    Hi, This is the podcast episode 18. It’s getting warmer and warmer. Jumpers feel a bit hot during the day. Osaka has been sunny every day. There is not a single cloud in the sky, it’s a beautiful day. Speaking of which, I recently uploaded this podcast to Youtube as well. Please check it out:


    There is a primary school near my house, so there are many children walking on the neighbourhood streets. Japanese primary school children walk to school. The route from home to school is called a ‘Tsuugakuro’ (school route). Tsuugakuro is decided by the school. It is the busiest and safest route. Adults may stand on Tsuugakuro to prevent Yuukai and Yorimichi. ‘Yuukai’ (kidnapping) is a crime where a person is taken somewhere. ‘Yorimichi’ (detour, dropping in on the way) is going somewhere different on the way to somewhere else.


    This afternoon we did Kintore. ‘Kintore’ (strength training) is short for Kinryoku (muscle strength) Tore-ningu (training)’, an exercise to strengthen the body. I don’t go to the gym. I continue to strength train at home. I started Kintore about four years ago. When I became a freelancer I decided to exercise because I didn’t get out as often.


    The Kintore I do is upper body training with dumbbells, lower body workout, full body stretching and cardio. In total, it takes about 30 minutes. I do this twice a week. When I first started strength training, I used to take soy protein. The soy protein I was drinking was the tasteless type. I liked this protein, but it wasn’t very popular, so the company stopped making it. In Japan, sweeter proteins like chocolate milk seem to be more popular.


    Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!

  • 16. アパートを探す


    Hi, This is the podcast episode 16. It has been getting warmer and warmer in Osaka this week. The forecast for next week is for a high of over 10 degrees Celsius. I’m from Tokyo, and the weather in Osaka is much nicer than in Tokyo. It is sunny most days. I hope spring will come soon because the cold weather will make our electricity bill higher.


    It’s almost spring, so many people are moving out these days. In Japan, March-April is the season for schools and companies to start, and it’s because students and those who just graduated school and became working adults start living alone. In my classes, I often talk about moving with my students. It’s interesting because the system and process of moving differs from country to country.


    When you rent a house in Japan, you almost always sign a contract with a real estate agent. The first thing to do is to look at the real estate agent’s website and find a room that fits your needs. You will find the size of the room, the distance from the station, and the age of the building. “Chikunensuu” (the age of the building) refers to how old the building is. An apartment built one year ago is said to be “Chiku 1nen” (1 year old building). In Japan, newer apartments are more popular, so newer apartments are more expensive. A house that has been built for less than a year and no one is living in it yet is called “Shinchiku” (newly built).


    Then, contact the real estate agent. “Toiawase” (inquiring) means contacting service providers and confirming the information. After confirming the information, go with the real estate agent to take a look at the room. “Naiken” (an inspection) is when you actually go to see the room. Inquiries and previews are free of charge. Finally, at the real estate agent’s office, sign the contract, pay the money, and you are done. At this time, you need to pay the agency fee, deposit, and key money. “Chukaihi” (the middleman fee) is the money you pay to the real estate agent, and “Shikikin and Reikin” (the deposit and key money) are like a deposit you pay to the owner.


    Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!

  • 15. デジタル庁

    はい、こんにちは。今回は ポッドキャストの15回目です。もう2月ですが、大阪はまだ少し寒いです。晴れているのに雪が降っている日もあって、不思議な天気です。洗濯物はまだ乾きにくいですね。

    Hello. This is the podcast episode 15. It’s already February, but it’s still a bit cold in Osaka. It’s a strange weather, with sunny but snowing days. It’s still hard to dry the laundry.


    I have just finished my tax return. Kakutei Shinkoku (a tax return) is an annual report by a self-employed person to the government on their income for the year. Jieigyousha (a self-employed person) is a person who does not work for a company, but works on his own. And they pay income tax. Shotokuzei (income tax) is a tax on income. Income tax for company employees is deducted from their wages, so there is no need to file a tax return.

    日本では、確定申告はオンラインですることができます。実は、日本の政府のオンラインサービスは、数年前まで、あまり便利じゃありませんでした。政府の ウェブデザインはとても時代遅れで、見づらかったです。そこで、2021年に菅総理大臣が「デジタル庁」というオンラインサービスを担当する部署を作りました。政府の ウェブサイトやアプリは2021年からリニューアルされて、見やすくなりました 。確定申告をするためのソフトウェアは、まだエラーが多くて少し不便ですが、少しずつ良くなっていくといいです。

    In Japan, tax returns can be filed online. Actually, the Japanese government’s online services were not very convenient until a few years ago. The government’s web design was very outdated and difficult to read. So, in 2021, Prime Minister Suga created a department called the “Digital Agency” to be in charge of online services. The government’s website and apps were redesigned in 2021 to make them easier to navigate. The software for filing tax returns is still a little inconvenient with many errors, but hopefully it will gradually get better.

    そして所得税はコンビニで払うことができます。確定申告をした後に表示される QR コードを使って、コンビニのレジで払います 。コンビニで払う場合は現金しか使えませんが、オンラインで払う場合は、クレジットカードや銀行振込で納税することもできます。納税するというのは国に税金を払うことです 。私はレシートが欲しかったので、コンビニで払うことにしました。インターネットで調べたら、アメリカなどの他の国でも、コンビニで納税することができるらしいですね。これはとても便利だと思います。

    You can also pay your income tax at a convenience store. You can use the QR code that appears after you file your tax return to pay at the cashier of the convenience store. If you pay at a convenience store, you can only pay in cash, but if you pay online, you can also pay by credit card or bank transfer. Nouzei suru (paying taxes) means paying taxes to the government. I wanted to get a receipt, so I decided to pay at a convenience store. I found on the Internet that in other countries, such as the United States, you can also pay taxes at convenience stores. I think this is very convenient.


    Well, I think that’s it for today. See you next time and thanks for listening!